
Does not make you weak. It makes you wiser

black photo frame
black photo frame
i am a good man i am a good man i am a good man i
i am a good man i am a good man i am a good man i
toddler looking at believe in yourself graffiti
toddler looking at believe in yourself graffiti
blue wake up kick ass repeat neon sign
blue wake up kick ass repeat neon sign

Your biggest ennemy is your uncontrolled mind


Just find the courage to start, you will not know everything from the beginning, you can just figure it out along the way


Trust the path you are taking

Dream Big text
Dream Big text
Don't Quit.

You are nearly there

black and brown eyeglasses on book on brown wooden table
black and brown eyeglasses on book on brown wooden table

Is all that it takes


People can tell when you are lying to yourself

close view of brown wooden shed
close view of brown wooden shed
gray concrete block
gray concrete block